How to eliminate negative energy from a space (home, office, etc.).

How to eliminate negative energy from a space (home, office, etc.).
We often do not understand how strong our thoughts and energy are that these thoughts and feelings create in our personal spaces. Your space absorbs this energy like a sponge. Anger, stress, anger are some of the most common.
A space also absorbs the energy of those who passed by.
Burn Palo Santo (or sage)
This is one of the most common ways to eliminate stagnant or negative energy from any space. Palo Santo (Holy Wood) grows on the shores of South America and smells like pine, mint and lemon. For centuries, it has been used by shamans for spiritual cleansing, energy purification, and healing.
Burn a holy wooden twig and rotate it counterclockwise in each room on the walls, in the corners, on the ceiling, on the floor, on the doors and windows. You can also burn it in the alley, in the yard, in any space you want to clean the energy from those who came to your house or space.
Use a statement like the one below:
 "I clean this space of any negative energy and everything that is trapped here is not for my good.
Everything that is not good for me to be burned and cleaned. I fill this space with light energy, which protects me from any negative energy and everything that is not beneficial to me. ”
When you're done, place the stick in a flame-resistant metal, glass, or clay pot. It will go out on its own.
Open all the doors and windows and open all the taps for a few minutes.