Bioenergy therapy session

Here you can order one or more treatment sessions with Bioenergy.

With your purchase you will receive:

* Your Distant Session will be sent to you after you have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Session will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) – one for each session purchased or via Appointed Time method. 

Add to order notes on Checkout page and/or contact us with following informations:

  • Your full name
  • Your location
  • Your desired treatement.

Example: “I’m Jane Doe from London and I need therapy for stress relief using Chi Ball method”


Is one session enough or will I need a series of sessions?

One session is a great start! You will see for yourself how Bioenergy makes you feel, if it is relaxing, if you feel more clarity after the session. Many people, after trying one session, go on to purchase a series of sessions to progressively work on their current wellness goals.

Is Bioenergy for an acute condition or a chronic condition?

If you have a chronic or current issue, Bioenergy can be an excellent complement in your health plan.

What will I feel during the session?

Most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace. The mind may feel calm and your physical body should feel relaxed. Bioenergy is so relaxing that sometimes clients may fall asleep during the session. Don’t worry though, you will still receive all of the benefits of the session, sleeping or awake.

Is there talking during the session?

Usually a session is done without talking and you may have soft ambient music playing in the background to aid in your relaxation. If you want to communicate something to your practitioner during the session, such as if you are cold or too warm, if you are feeling a sensation you would like to discuss, if something feels uncomfortable for you, if you have a question or issue, then do speak up at any time during the session. Your practitioner wants the best for you and wants to make your session the best experience possible. Also, your practitioner may ask you after the session if there is anything you would like to share and you may do so at your option. This is good feedback for your practitioner’s notes for planning your next session.

What does Bioenergy healing feel like?

You may feel a very slight tingling, heat, or energy, or nothing at all. The sensations or lack of are not a barometer of the Bioenergy, they are just how your particular body senses energy. You may feel a peace and calm in your mind or physically in general. It is different for all clients but deep relaxation is almost always felt.

Can I drive after my session?

Yes, after the your relaxation of your session you will be in your full awake state, but possibly feel more grounded and centered. A five minute brisk walk to your car or other transportation will add to your groundedness. Be sure that you are fully awake and alert before driving in general.

After I leave my session, should I do anything special?

Please drink plenty of water to hydrate your body as your body’s energy system may be moving at a more optimum rate, so please care for yourself with water and healthy food during the day. It is beneficial to spend some quiet time that day or evening after your session to journal or to contemplate as you may have some insights and further mental clarity as your body continues to process the Bioenergy session.

Are there any medical conditions where I should not receive Bioenergy ?

Bioenergy is a wonderful complement in a health or wellness plan. It supports your work with your primary care providers.

Can you have too much Bioenergy ?

No, Bioenergy is beneficial and works with your body’s energy. In fact, your own energetic body is in control of how much Bioenergy it wants and needs during the session and utilizes it accordingly. Like breathing, you will comfortably take in as much as you need to support you.

Can you order for someone else?

You can order for someone else if that person was fully informed about Bioenergy sessions and gave you it’s consent. You can order for minor children if you are it’s parent or legal tutor. You can order for unconscious persons (in coma for example) if you are a relative to them or legal tutor and you take full responsibility.

Can you order for animals?

Yes, of course. Reki is beneficial for any living being.

What is Chi Ball method?

This method allow you to receive your programmed session on demand, when you ask for it to begin.

What is Appointed Time method?

This method allow you to receive your programmed session at a specific time, for example at 4:00PM, automatically.